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:: Friday, January 21, 2005

WTF?! I am officially "obsolete". Bleep bleep bleep.

Easily the best spam subject line ever received.

:: Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Looks like Netflix has updated their site, and with it brought along some much needed features. One feature I've been wishing for is a way to share your movie queue. It looks like I may have my wish with the new Netflix Friends feature. With Netflix friends, you create a friends list and share movie ideas with your Friends. Once you build your list, you can see what your friends think about specific movies, suggest specific movies to your friends and add comments next to films that will help your friends discover great movies or avoid those you didn’t enjoy. Finally!

:: Sunday, January 16, 2005

So the Earth is getting less sunlight than 50 years ago. The big question is, do I have enough of a claim against polluters to make them pay for my loft's new lighting?

Looks like the FS gang have a new splash page up precluding the release of their new album, Odyssey. I suppose it would have been bad form to name it #2.

Here's a little note from Warren and Casey:

We are happy, excited, tired, relieved and proud to finally have finished our new album, Odyssey.

And what an Odyssey it has been! It was a quest to say the least, personally and creatively. We set out to make something artistically innovative and to evolve our sound on this album but in doing so we had to evolve as artists as well, which was at times perilous and painful. In the end, you can hear it, the agony and the ecstasy.

We worked hard, for an extraordinary two years with some extraordinary collaboraters, to make a coherent AOR record, a total statement. Inspired along the way by psychedelia, classic rock and the ideas of the romantics that were the roots of rock and roll (intuition over ration; emotion over intellect; transcendence through the supernatural; the artist as hero), we tried to combine those influences with our own take on modern pop music to create something new and, hopefully, unique.

We can't wait for you to hear it and we’ll see you in 2005.


Warren Fischer and Casey Spooner

Doyle informs us about Clear Magazine. He recently helped them put on the first ever fashion show at the Detroit Auto show. Nice work!

John Selway has updated his site at selwaymusic.net. Looks like it still has a few bugs if you're on a Mac, I'm sure he'll get them ironed out. The important thing is, if you find yourself in NYC on the 21st, don't miss ROBOTS featuring Selway and Derek Plaslaiko at Cafe Deville. John also has an old favorite mix posted for your MP3 listening pleasure here, and damn is it ever great! A painful reminder of the difference in skill between those who DJ professionally (Selway) and those who do not (me). Ack! Enjoy.


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